5 Ways to Prevent Heart Disease

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015 by Omni Medical Blogger
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

February is American Heart Month! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Since heart disease is such a prevalent issue, Omni Medical wants to offer some tips for preventing this fatal disease.

1. Quit Smoking

The U.S. Surgeon General has identified cigarette smoking as the single most preventable cause of disease and death in our nation. It is a major risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and coronary heart disease.

2. Watch Your Weight

Obesity can increase your risk of heart attacks, heart failure, cardiovascular disease, along with other negative health effects. Maintain a healthy diet that includes lean protein, fruits and vegetables, healthy oils, and unprocessed grains.

3. Get Moving

We all have busy schedules, but fitting just a half hour of exercise into your day can help protect your heart. Some good heart thumpers are walking, running and swimming. You don’t need to do the whole 30 minutes at one time. Take a couple short walks a day and make moving a priority.

4. Control Cholesterol

Having high levels of cholesterol is a risk factor for the hardening of the arteries. A diet rich in saturated and trans fats also contribute to high cholesterol. If you haven’t had your cholesterol checked within the last year, schedule an appointment with your doctor. If your cholesterol is high, you will probably need to make some lifestyle changes to control it.

5. Maintain Your Blood Pressure

Keeping a healthy blood pressure reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure. If your systolic blood pressure is over 140 and your diastolic blood pressure is over 90, you are considered to have high blood pressure. You can get this checked at a pharmacy or the doctor’s office.

Omni Medical is trying to get the word out about heart disease and the danger it poses to so many people in our country. If you have any questions, we have more information about different heart issues in our Resource Center. And, as always, you can contact Omni Medical.

A Couple That Works Out Together, Stays Together

Posted on: February 12th, 2015 by Omni Medical Blogger
Work on your fitness and your relationship with these couple-friendly routines.

Work on your fitness and your relationship with these couple-friendly routines.

February is the month of love! Are you looking for ways to spend more time with your partner? Omni Medical has some ideas that are both good for your relationship and good for your health! Working out with someone else is a good motivator as well as bonding activity. Give a few of these wheelchair adaptable couple’s exercises a try.


Cardio exercises are easy to adapt to anyone’s abilities and mobility. Bike rides are a great form of exercise and there are all kinds of accessible bikes such as hand cycles and recumbent leg bikes. If you have access to a pool, swimming or water aerobics are good ways to get your heart going. When the weather is nice, a walk in the park gives you some exercise and conversation time. If you need to stay inside, many fitness centers now offer pieces of accessible cardio equipment like arm bikes or Nusteps.


Weightlifting is a more of a challenge. Each person has their own individual goals and abilities. Chances are that you and your partner will not be at the same level right away. Start by turning workouts into a circuit with everything ready to go so each person can adjust weight and time as needed.


Stretching is an easy partner activity that can be done anywhere, at any time. Stretching brings a whole host of benefits like an increased range of motion and improved balance. Try to limit the number of times you must transfer positions in order to save both time and energy.

Omni Medical seeks to help those with spinal cord injuries to stay happy and healthy both physically and emotionally. Contact Omni Medical or look through our online catalog to find solutions for all of your mobility needs.  And remember, a couple that works out together, stays together!

Start Your Day Right with these Healthy Habits

Posted on: January 26th, 2015 by Omni Medical Blogger
Starting your day right can have a positive impact on your entire day.

Starting your day right can have a positive impact on your entire day.

Not everyone is exactly a “morning person” and this is a rough time of day for many people. In a society where we are constantly going, going, going throughout the day, we are also sleep deprived. The habits you set in the morning can determine the rest of your day! Omni Medical has a few easy ways to start your day on the right foot:

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button: Those few extra minutes in the morning can mess up your internal clock, throwing off the entire day. When the alarm goes off, your adrenaline kicks in and your body is ready to go. When you hit snooze, your mind and body become confused and you may feel more out of it than when you woke up the first time.

Get Outside: Studies have found that getting outside for a few minutes every day can increase your creativity and happiness while making you feel more alert throughout the day. Start each day with a short walk or just sit outside to get some fresh air.

Exercise: Working out in the morning has been shown to make you more productive, help you sleep better, and shows an increase in energy levels throughout the day.

Drink More Water: Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning will help wake you up immediately and kick start your metabolism. An easy trick is to keep a glass of water by your bedside so it is the first thing you reach for when you wake up in the morning.

It may seem like there is no time to sit down and have a healthy breakfast or spend time outdoors, but implementing these healthy habits can benefit your productivity, energy levels, and overall happiness for the rest of the day. You may even become a “morning person”. Omni Medical cares about your health and wants you to live a happy life of wellness. We have a variety of products that can help you do just that. Contact us about ways we can serve you!

Tickle Your Brain with These Teasers

Posted on: January 18th, 2015 by Omni Medical Blogger
Giving your brain a bit of exercise with puzzles and teasers each day will keep your mind sharp and active.

Giving your brain a bit of exercise with puzzles and teasers each day will keep your mind sharp and active.

Experts believe that the more mental reserves of connections between brain cells we have, the better we can fight age-related cognitive decline. Puzzles, games and brain teasers are the best way to challenge your brain and form more of these connections.

Mental exercise is not the only way to give your brain a workout. Getting adequate sleep and exercise are also important to having a healthy brain. Studies show that 30 minutes of brisk walking each day can improve blood flow to the brain. This causes more cells to grow and connect just like mental exercise does.

Omni Medical wants you to have a healthy brain so we found some brain teasers to give your noggin a workout!

  1. A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, which immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or boat. How did the dog do it?
  2. In 1990, a person is 15 years old. In 1995, that same person is 10 years old. How can this be?
  3. What do these words have in common: polish, job and herb?
  4. Put a coin into an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck. How can you remove the coin without removing the cork or breaking the bottle?
  5. A sundial has the fewest moving parts of any timepiece. Which has the most?


  1. The river was frozen.
  2. The person was born in 2005 B.C.
  3. All three words are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.
  4. Push the cork down into the bottle. Then shake the coin out.
  5. An hourglass, with thousands of grains of sand.

Do you feel smarter already? We hope that these puzzles helped give your brain its workout for today. Stimulating your brain each day is the best way to keep your brain young and healthy. For more solutions to keep your brain and body active and healthy, contact Omni Medical. We are always ready and willing to answer any questions.

Gotta Go Right Now- When Urinary Incontinence Happens

Posted on: December 29th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Urinary incontinence is a common issue that many aging adults face.

Urinary incontinence is a common issue that many aging adults face.

Urinary incontinence occurs when you are not able to keep urine from leaking out of your urethra, the tube that carries urine out of your body from your bladder. This is often a problem with older individuals. You may occasionally leak urine or you may not be able to hold any urine. There are different types, causes and treatments for incontinence that you may not be aware of.

There are five types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress incontinence is the most common type of urinary incontinence and happens when a person leaks urine when they cough, sneeze, exercise or do anything that puts pressure on the bladder.
  • Urge incontinence occurs when the bladder muscles are too active. People with urge incontinence lose urine as soon as they feel a strong desire to go to the bathroom.
  • Overflow incontinence is the feeling of never completely emptying the bladder.
  • Mixed incontinence is the combination of stress and urge incontinence.
  • Functional or environmental incontinence occurs when people cannot get to the toilet or get a bedpan when they need it. The urinary system may work well, but physical or psychological disabilities prevent normal toilet usage.

Urinary incontinence can be caused by temporary problems, such as urinary tract infection, vaginal infection, constipation, obesity, smoking, high-impact aerobics or effects of medicine. Incontinence can also be caused by other permanent conditions, such as:

  • Aging (bladder holds less and urine stream may be weaker)
  • Weakness of bladder
  • Hormone imbalance in women
  • Immobility
  • Diabetes

If you think you may have urinary incontinence, contact your doctor. Some questions to ask could be:

  • What type of incontinence is it?
  • What is causing it?
  • What are treatment options?
  • How can the bladder be strengthened?

Omni Medical has a selection of equipment and supplies for individuals with age-related health issues, spinal cord injuries, or those recovering from surgery. This includes incontinence products! We want to help you find the best products that fit your lifestyle.

Health Screenings 101

Posted on: December 15th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
It is important to get regular health screenings in order to detect and treat problems before they worsen.

It is important to get regular health screenings in order to detect and treat problems before they worsen.

Busy schedules often cause us to push our health screenings to the bottom of our to-do list. But it is important to get certain yearly screenings to help your doctor monitor and detect any problems early enough to treat them appropriately.

As a child, your mom told you when you needed to go to the doctor. Well, now it is our turn and we are telling you the key screenings you should be getting.

1. Skin

Skin cancer is on the rise and doctors recommend you get a skin examination each year. Your doctor will look for any suspicious growths or moles.  Those with fair skin, a lot of moles, or a family history of skin cancer may need to be check every three to six months.

2. Eyes

Even if you have perfect vision, your eyes still need to be checked regularly. As you age, you are at a higher risk for eye diseases such as glaucoma. Eye exams can also find signs of another disease like diabetes or high blood pressure that may be affecting your eyes. Starting at age 40, you should bump your eye exams up from every 5 to 10 years to every two years.

3. Colonoscopy

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women. A colonoscopy is the best way to detect any ulcers, tumors or inflammation. Your first colonoscopy should be at age 50 but a doctor may recommend one sooner if you have a family history of colon cancer or suspicious symptoms such as blood in your stool.

4. A1C Test

Now the choice test for diabetes, this blood test measures your average blood glucose over the course of a few months. While it is recommended you get this test every three years starting at 45, the American Diabetes Association advises you begin earlier if you are overweight, have a family member with diabetes, have high blood pressure or belong to an ethnic group with higher rates of diabetes.

At Omni Medical, we believe that being proactive with your health is always the best. Screenings may detect an issue before any symptoms arise, giving both you and your doctor a heads up. Our website has a lot of material regarding various health issues. Check out our resources page for more information.

Eat Right to Breathe Right during COPD Awareness Month

Posted on: November 24th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Your body uses food for fuel. Is your fuel helping or hurting your COPD condition?

Your body uses food for fuel. Is your fuel helping or hurting your COPD condition?

It is no secret that our bodies use food as the fuel to keep going for all of its activities. But most people are surprised to learn that the foods they are eating actually affect their breathing. The right proportions and mix of nutrients in your daily diet can help you breathe easier.

Oxygen and food are the raw materials of our metabolism. Energy and carbon dioxide are the end product. The metabolizing of carbohydrates produces the most carbon dioxide for the amount of oxygen that is used while the metabolizing of fats produces the least. For some people with COPD, eating a diet with less carbs and more fat helps them to breathe.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases and makes breathing difficult. By following a few nutritional guidelines, you can lessen the risk and symptoms of COPD.

Limit simple carbs like sugar, candy, cakes and soft drinks

Load up on complex carbs like whole grain bread and pasta, fresh fruit and vegetables

Eat a lot of protein such as milk, eggs, cheese, meat and nuts

Limit trans-fat and saturated fat like butter, meat fat, shortening, fried foods and pastries

Get 20-30 grams of daily fiber from foods like bread, pasta, nuts, fruits and vegetables

At Omni Medical, we are trying to spread information about COPD this month in honor of COPD Awareness Month. COPD is much more common than most people think and is actually the third leading cause of death in the United States. The more we all know about diseases like COPD, the earlier we can understand and catch them in our loved ones to start treatment early on. Check out our online resources to learn more about this disease and how you can live with it.

The Caregivers Survival Guide

Posted on: November 17th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Caring for a loved one can be both physically and emotionally draining. We want to help you help others.

Caring for a loved one can be both physically and emotionally draining. We want to help you help others.

Alzheimer’s disease not only causes a decline in memory and reasoning skills, but it can change a person’s entire mental being at times. This can be frustrating for both the individual suffering from the disease and those caring for them. Keep some of these tips in mind to maintain your loved one’s sense of independence and dignity as their disease progresses.

Reduce frustrations

Individuals with Alzheimer’s may be easily agitated when something that used to be simple becomes difficult or impossible. To limit these challenges:

  • Establish a routine so each day is predictable. Schedule the most difficult tasks for the time of day when your loved one tends to be the most agreeable.
  • When you ask your loved one to complete a task, do it one step at a time. Also, expect things to take longer than they used to.
  • Limit their options so it is easier to decide then provide simple instructions to complete the task

Create a safe environment

Your loved one’s risk of injury increases as their judgment and problem-solving skills are impaired due to Alzheimer’s disease. To keep them safe:

  • Prevent falls with handrails or grab bars in areas that are easy for a loved one to trip or fall in.
  • Keep things like matches and lighters out of reach from your loved one to prevent the risk of a fire.
  • Install locks on cabinets that contain dangerous materials like medicine, alcohol, guns or toxic substances.

Be flexible

Each Alzheimer’s case will need to be handled differently. Tailor our tips to fit the individual needs of your loved one. Patience and flexibility are the keys to providing care.

November is both National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness and Family Caregivers Month. We want to recognize the lives affected by Alzheimer’s – both patients and caregivers. There are many resources available to you for additional tips and support when you are caring for a sick loved one. Browse our online catalog for a selection of home medical equipment for people living with age related health concerns such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Simple Spinal Cord Stretches You Can Do

Posted on: October 28th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger

A stretching routine can ease stress of your mind and body


Stretching can do wonders for your overall wellness. It can improve your body’s circulation and increase blood flow throughout your entire body. It can also help to increase your range of motion, making daily tasks easier to do. Proper stretching also releases tension from your muscles which can relieve both physical and emotional stress. That is a lot of benefit for something that is so quick and simple!

Always keep your safety in mind when you are planning a stretching routine. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor to ensure that you are doing stretches appropriate for your needs and executing them in a safe way. A general rule of thumb is to never overdo it. Start gradually and never force a stretch to the point where it hurts. You should be able to feel the stretch but not to the point of pain. Getting into a stretching routine can have many health benefits.

Try to make a certain time each morning or evening that is a designated stretching time. This helps to hold you accountable to making it part of your daily routine. Recruit a friend or loved one to help with stretches each day to help motivate you and keep it fun!

Try these three spinal cord stretches to get you started:

  • Place your left hand under your left knee and pull your left knee up towards your chest for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise on your right side.
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and lean forward. Loop a strap around the bottom of your foot and pull it gently until your knees are straight. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat it 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and raise your arms straight above your head to stretch out the shoulders. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat. You can also stretch your arms above your head while sitting upright.

Omni Medical offers different rehabilitation equipment that can help keep you active each day. We also carry different wheelchairs and accessories that are designed to keep you comfortable despite any conditions you may have.  If you have suffered from a spinal cord injury, we would love to help you find solutions to go about your daily life.

Sensing a Sore? Try these 5  Easy Steps to Preventing Pressure Irritations!

Posted on: October 21st, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger

Switching positions is key for preventing painful pressures sores from developing


Has your wheelchair ever caused painful sores to develop on your skin? Wouldn’t you prevent them if you could? With skin care tips and the right precautions taken, they can be avoided and keep you pain free. Some of the most common causes of pressure sores are being seated for an extended period of time, being overweight, or spending a lot of time in the same position. They may form on the hips, spine, tailbone area, elbows, or shoulders.

Because someone who uses a wheelchair may be seated for hours at a time throughout the day, it is especially important for them to practice healthy skin care to prevent sores and irritation from developing. Omni Medical has standard wheelchairs available for anyone in need in our online catalog. We also have a variety of wound care products to help heal and prevent irritations. If you or someone you care for is currently using a wheelchair, take some of these precautions in an effort to prevent painful sores from developing.


Step 1 – Do pressure reliefs every 15 to 30 minutes for at least 30 to 90 seconds. This takes pressure off of areas that have been in contact with the chair by lifting or moving yourself and allowing blood to circulate. If you are unable to perform them yourself, ask for assistance from a loved one.

Step 2 – Check the skin at least twice a day, paying close attention to changes in skin color, blisters, bruises, cracked, dry, or hardening skin. If you are unable to see all areas of the skin, try using a mirror.

Step 3 – Wash skin daily with warm water using a sponge or cloth with mild soap. Clean and dry all areas, paying extra attention to where the skin folds over.

Step 4 – Moisturize the skin with cream or skin protectants every day after washing while the skin is still holding moisture from the warm water.

Step 5 – Use wheelchair cushions or padding to protect boney areas of the body. They will add comfort and help to prevent pressure sores as well.


Omni Medical wants all wheelchair users to feel as comfortable as possible. As a caregiver, it is important to be aware of potential problems that could occur and how to best help avoid them. Visit Omni Medical online for your health and mobility needs!