Uncovering the Brain: How it Works and How to Keep it Healthy

Posted on: September 25th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Keep your mind working its best day in and day out.

Keep your mind working its best day in and day out.

With 100 billion neurons, connecting with up to 10,000 others neurons, at 100 trillion synaptic connections per second, the brain is a fascinating organ. Did you catch all that?

Our brains are the most advanced and complicated computer that will ever exist on the Earth. Omni Medical would like to take a moment to discuss the different areas of the brain, what they do, and how to keep them healthy. Neurons begin to divide and make new cells during fetal development and continue to do so for a few months after birth. After that, no new cells are created because they are designed to last a lifetime. While the brain is difficult to understand, scientists are making leeway into how it works.

Omni Medical values you and your overall health and we hope to provide helpful information for you and your loved ones. Feel free to share what you learn here and spread the many wonders of the mind!

The brain is divided into lobes that control different areas of thought. They are as followed:

The Frontal Lobe of the brain is used for planning, imaging, debating, or problem solving. The two lobes in the frontal region work together. While one holds previously learned information, the other is considering new ideas.

The motor area of the brain is used to control voluntary movement.

Broca’s area allows thoughts to be transformed into words.

The parietal lobes of the brain are responsible for tasting, smelling, and distinguishing the texture of food. They are the sensory areas and detect temperature, taste, touch, and movement from the rest of the body.

The occipital lobes process information from the eyes and link it with images stored in memory.

The temporal lobes of the brain receive information from the ears which allow us to hear and distinguish sounds. The temporal lobes also forms and retrieves memories associated with, taste, touch, sight, and sound.


There are many different ways to maintain a healthy brain. Omni Medical has 5 ways to benefit your brain today!

  • Drink water! The brain is 85% water and requires it for all functions to be performed at their best ability.
  • Exercise! Get moving to increase oxygen to the brain. The brain will release endorphins, which are proven to increase mood, immunity, and provide a feeling of euphoria.
  • Do a puzzle! It will require you to critically think and build brain power.
  • Take fish oil! It strengthens the emotional center of the brain and boosts focus. Overall, fish oil increases brain activity.
  • Read! The activity in itself allows your brain to absorb language in a short amount of time while challenging thinking, increasing memory skills, and improving language.

As you can see, there are many ways to increase the power of the many different lobes of the brain. They are all fascinating, wonderful, and should be cared for. Omni Medical encourages you to take steps to increase your overall wellbeing and visit our online catalog for home and medical supplies.

5 Myths and Misconceptions of Prostate Cancer

Posted on: September 18th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Stay aware of warning signs and symptoms.

Stay aware of warning signs and symptoms.

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Omni Medical would like to take an opportunity to discuss the most common myths and misconceptions of one of the most common cancers in men; prostate cancer.

The prostate is a small walnut shaped organ that is located just in front of the rectum. Cancer that begins in the prostate often spreads to other areas of the body. If detected early it can be confined and treated with little to no treatment. However, if the cancer goes undetected and spreads, treatments such as surgical removal of the prostate, medications, radiation, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, or others may be use. A large part of detecting the cancer in its early stages is to be aware of the symptoms and risks. Omni Medical is sharing 5 myths and misconceptions about prostate cancer along with common symptoms to watch for.

Myth #1 – If prostate cancer doesn’t run in your family, you will never get it.

A man’s likelihood of being diagnosed doubles to 1 in 3 with a family history. However, 1 in 6 men will still be diagnosed, not all of whom have had a family history. A man, who has had a father or brother with prostate cancer, will be twice as likely to develop it. Be aware of your family history and know the risks you are at.

Myth #2 – Vasectomies increase the risk of prostate cancer.

It was once believed that a vasectomy would increase the likelihood of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, however, more recent studied have shown there is no correlation. When doctors go in to perform the vasectomy, they examine the prostate, and more cases are detected, however it is not caused by the vasectomy.

Myth #3- All men will experience incontinence or erectile dysfunction following surgery.

While some men may experience these symptoms post-surgery, not all do. It is highly dependent on a man’s age and physical wellbeing. If this is to occur, Omni Medical has urological supplies for those in need.

Myth #4- Prostate cancer is contagious.

Cancer is not infectious and cannot be passed from one person to the next.

Myth #5 – If you don’t have any symptoms, you don’t have prostate cancer.

Not all men experience symptoms which can make it difficult be detected. Many symptoms of prostate cancer may be associated with other illnesses and played off as is nothing is wrong. Most cases of prostate cancer are detected in a routine check-up without the patient having any previous knowledge of its existence.

Warning Sings

Every man is different and may experience unique symptoms of prostate cancer. If you have any of these or others that draw concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.

  • Trouble urinating
  • Decreased force in the stream of urine
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Pain in the lower back, thighs, hips, or bones
  • Erectile dysfunction

Omni Medical has urological and incontinence supplies for any man or women in need. We have a wide range of catheters in different styles and sizes to fit anyone’s specific needs. Omni Medical encourages you to visit our full online catalog for medical and home supplies. Contact us at 888.322.6664 for any further questions or concerns!

How to Get Better Sleep Tonight

Posted on: July 28th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger


A good night's rest can prepare your body and mind for the next day.

A good night’s rest can prepare your body and mind for the next day.

Omni Medical hopes to provide you with medical and safety supplies, along with suggestions for living a healthy lifestyle. We care about your overall wellbeing and invite you to visit our online catalog to increase you or a loved one’s health.

A large part of living a healthy lifestyle is getting enough sleep to benefit both your mind and body. Without sleep, you cannot think and function properly. Sleep allows your brain to process information and work areas of the brain that increase creativity and vision. When you rest, you allow your energy to be restored and your immune system to fight infection. Without it, you can experience more pain, which drains more energy. People who get 7-9 hours of sleep a night have an easier time maintaining weight. They are less likely to grab a late night snack and have sufficient energy to work out with increased endurance. Overall, sleep is beneficial in many different ways. Listed below are 5 natural remedies to try for a better night’s rest.

Lavender is an essential oil that carries relaxing effects. Place a drop in a warm bath or on your pillow to trigger your body for rest.

Meditation can help to slow breathing and reduce the release of stress hormones. When done before bed, it can help to eliminate distractions that may interrupt sleep. Mindfulness meditation and visualization are two methods that are both effective in relaxation.

Magnesium has a natural sedative that aids in sleep. You can find magnesium in almonds, cashews, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the biological clock. Taking a supplement two hours before bed will help in falling, and staying asleep.

Bedrooms should only be used for sleep. Avoid working, eating, or watching TV in your bedroom.

Don’t put your health at risk because you are unable to sleep! Try these methods and allow your body to get the rest it needs. Contact Omni Medical for your heath and comfort products and services today!

6 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Posted on: July 28th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Eat better to feel your best!

Eat better to feel your best!

Eating well can provide a body with substantial energy and the nutrients it needs to get through every day. With cookbooks and online resources, it is easy to find meal ideas to make with nutritious food. What can be more difficult, is cooking on a budget, which is why we want to provide you with 6 ideas for doing so. Omni Medical cares about your overall health and we want to promote a healthy lifestyle for all our customers. We hope you visit our site and discover the many products and services we offer.

  1. Make a list of food you need for the week. Have recipes laid out or create an online cook book with Pinterest, where creative meal ideas are shared. When you have your meals planned out, you will be less likely to eat unhealthy or spend money on unnecessary items.
  2. Along with planning meals, create a budget so you are aware of the finances available to be spent on food. When creating a budget, always estimate to spend more for groceries than you think you need. This where most people underestimate what they will need.
  3. Don’t shop for food while hungry. You will be more likely to make impulse purchases and spend more money on unhealthy items. Stick to your list to be a smart shopper.
  4. Avoid eating out. Restaurants are expensive and when dining with a family, it can add up quickly. Eating at home will save you money and provide you with healthier options.
  5. Shop in season for the freshest and cheapest produce. Take advantage of farmer’s markets with locally grown fruits and vegetables at a reasonable price.
  6. Cook large meals in advance to last throughout the week. You will be less likely to grab an unhealthy snack when something is already prepared in the fridge. You will also save money when cooking in bulk.

We hope you find these ideas helpful and incorporate them into your life how you see best. It’s never too late to make a lifestyle change. Eating well can benefit your mind, body, and budget! Visit Omni Medical online and let us serve you today!

Hop on Health Trends! 5 Common Trends Happening Today

Posted on: July 1st, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Modern health trends that actually work

Most health trends are fads, but these five are rooted in basics of health.

In a fast paced world, trends are ever changing. From one hot topic to the next, it can be nearly impossible to stay on top of it all. Everyone is busy trying to fulfill life, financial, and health responsibilities. Goals are set and forgotten in the pile of bills and to-do lists. This month is an opportunity to refocus your attention on what matters most. It is a chance to remember your New Year’s Resolutions and recommit. If you have lost sight of your goals, as many have, it is never too late to start new. Omni Medical has an abundance of medical products and services for your life. We invite you visit our site and find something to improve your health and wellbeing.

Here we would like to draw your attention to 5 common health trends happening today. These trends are worth integrating into your life however you see best.

  1. You are what you eat. The food you put into your body directly effects the way your look and feel. Eating a balanced diet of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and protein and provides you with energy and nutrients. Eating well not only helps you maintain a healthy weight, but it feeds your brain to function at the highest level. Be a conscience eater and ensure that what your put into your body has a purpose and will benefit you.
  2. Frequent exercise can lift your mood and improve your body internally and externally. Find an activity you enjoy and do it at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Endorphins are a chemical released in the brain during exercise that is a natural pain and stress fighters. There are countless reasons of why you should get moving today.
  3. Green tea has been researched and praised for its many health benefits. It increases metabolism, prevents cholesterol build up, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and slows cancer growth. It also balances blood sugar levels and improves the appearance of skin.
  4. Do you prioritize sleep? If not, it is time to start. Sleep can improve mood, memory, and creativity. It allows the brain to process information and reduces stress. If you find yourself tired during the days or unable to fall asleep at night, visit your doctor for medication or recommondations.
  5.  Meditation is a practice that requires discipline and patience. If you are new to meditation, find a room free from distraction, be seated on the floor however is most comfortable, and keep your gaze straight and soft ahead. Focus on taking deep breathes to fill your lungs. It is normal to get distracted, simply refocus your attention on your breathing.

We encourage you to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Omni Medical hopes to serve your medical needs and we invite you to visit our site today!

Omni Medical’s First Blog: 4 Medical Products to Discover Today

Posted on: June 26th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger

medical products

Omni Medical is proud to announce the beginning of our blog! We will publish two blogs every month that will be shared through social media and found on our webpage. This blog is designed to educate our customers on a variety of issues. We will cover health, wellness, common concerns and questions, and how our products can best accommodate your life. We hope to draw your attention to engaging topics that will encourage discussion in your home and neighborhood. In today’s blog, we would like to highlight 4 products from our online catalog that can benefit the life of you or a loved one.

  1. A manual wheelchair is important in the life of anyone who has suffered a spinal cord injury who no longer has the ability to walk. They come in many different styles and sizes to accommodate patients and their specific needs. We also have wheelchair ramps available to ease travel from one place the next.
  2. Catheters for men and women provide ease and accessibility when needed most. They come in different styles for a patient’s unique needs. We encourage you to visit our site and find one today.
  3. We have an abundance of wound care products available to help protect and heal wounds. We understand accidents happen, and when they do, it is best to be prepared. Put together a first aid kit for your home to have on hand when needed most.
  4. A patient with Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Muscular Dystrophy, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Spinal Cord Injury can find support and assistance with our 5000 Youth. It is designed as a desk and stander for growing teens. This machine has top of the line technology to assist the life of a patient in need.

We invite you to visit our catalog to see the products above and many more. Omni Medical values you and your health and we hope you take time to read this blog and share it with friends. We wish you a fun and safe summer!