Eat Right to Breathe Right during COPD Awareness Month

Posted on: November 24th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
Your body uses food for fuel. Is your fuel helping or hurting your COPD condition?

Your body uses food for fuel. Is your fuel helping or hurting your COPD condition?

It is no secret that our bodies use food as the fuel to keep going for all of its activities. But most people are surprised to learn that the foods they are eating actually affect their breathing. The right proportions and mix of nutrients in your daily diet can help you breathe easier.

Oxygen and food are the raw materials of our metabolism. Energy and carbon dioxide are the end product. The metabolizing of carbohydrates produces the most carbon dioxide for the amount of oxygen that is used while the metabolizing of fats produces the least. For some people with COPD, eating a diet with less carbs and more fat helps them to breathe.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases and makes breathing difficult. By following a few nutritional guidelines, you can lessen the risk and symptoms of COPD.

Limit simple carbs like sugar, candy, cakes and soft drinks

Load up on complex carbs like whole grain bread and pasta, fresh fruit and vegetables

Eat a lot of protein such as milk, eggs, cheese, meat and nuts

Limit trans-fat and saturated fat like butter, meat fat, shortening, fried foods and pastries

Get 20-30 grams of daily fiber from foods like bread, pasta, nuts, fruits and vegetables

At Omni Medical, we are trying to spread information about COPD this month in honor of COPD Awareness Month. COPD is much more common than most people think and is actually the third leading cause of death in the United States. The more we all know about diseases like COPD, the earlier we can understand and catch them in our loved ones to start treatment early on. Check out our online resources to learn more about this disease and how you can live with it.

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