Health Screenings 101

Posted on: December 15th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger
It is important to get regular health screenings in order to detect and treat problems before they worsen.

It is important to get regular health screenings in order to detect and treat problems before they worsen.

Busy schedules often cause us to push our health screenings to the bottom of our to-do list. But it is important to get certain yearly screenings to help your doctor monitor and detect any problems early enough to treat them appropriately.

As a child, your mom told you when you needed to go to the doctor. Well, now it is our turn and we are telling you the key screenings you should be getting.

1. Skin

Skin cancer is on the rise and doctors recommend you get a skin examination each year. Your doctor will look for any suspicious growths or moles.  Those with fair skin, a lot of moles, or a family history of skin cancer may need to be check every three to six months.

2. Eyes

Even if you have perfect vision, your eyes still need to be checked regularly. As you age, you are at a higher risk for eye diseases such as glaucoma. Eye exams can also find signs of another disease like diabetes or high blood pressure that may be affecting your eyes. Starting at age 40, you should bump your eye exams up from every 5 to 10 years to every two years.

3. Colonoscopy

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women. A colonoscopy is the best way to detect any ulcers, tumors or inflammation. Your first colonoscopy should be at age 50 but a doctor may recommend one sooner if you have a family history of colon cancer or suspicious symptoms such as blood in your stool.

4. A1C Test

Now the choice test for diabetes, this blood test measures your average blood glucose over the course of a few months. While it is recommended you get this test every three years starting at 45, the American Diabetes Association advises you begin earlier if you are overweight, have a family member with diabetes, have high blood pressure or belong to an ethnic group with higher rates of diabetes.

At Omni Medical, we believe that being proactive with your health is always the best. Screenings may detect an issue before any symptoms arise, giving both you and your doctor a heads up. Our website has a lot of material regarding various health issues. Check out our resources page for more information.

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