Sensing a Sore? Try these 5  Easy Steps to Preventing Pressure Irritations!

Posted on: October 21st, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger

Switching positions is key for preventing painful pressures sores from developing


Has your wheelchair ever caused painful sores to develop on your skin? Wouldn’t you prevent them if you could? With skin care tips and the right precautions taken, they can be avoided and keep you pain free. Some of the most common causes of pressure sores are being seated for an extended period of time, being overweight, or spending a lot of time in the same position. They may form on the hips, spine, tailbone area, elbows, or shoulders.

Because someone who uses a wheelchair may be seated for hours at a time throughout the day, it is especially important for them to practice healthy skin care to prevent sores and irritation from developing. Omni Medical has standard wheelchairs available for anyone in need in our online catalog. We also have a variety of wound care products to help heal and prevent irritations. If you or someone you care for is currently using a wheelchair, take some of these precautions in an effort to prevent painful sores from developing.


Step 1 – Do pressure reliefs every 15 to 30 minutes for at least 30 to 90 seconds. This takes pressure off of areas that have been in contact with the chair by lifting or moving yourself and allowing blood to circulate. If you are unable to perform them yourself, ask for assistance from a loved one.

Step 2 – Check the skin at least twice a day, paying close attention to changes in skin color, blisters, bruises, cracked, dry, or hardening skin. If you are unable to see all areas of the skin, try using a mirror.

Step 3 – Wash skin daily with warm water using a sponge or cloth with mild soap. Clean and dry all areas, paying extra attention to where the skin folds over.

Step 4 – Moisturize the skin with cream or skin protectants every day after washing while the skin is still holding moisture from the warm water.

Step 5 – Use wheelchair cushions or padding to protect boney areas of the body. They will add comfort and help to prevent pressure sores as well.


Omni Medical wants all wheelchair users to feel as comfortable as possible. As a caregiver, it is important to be aware of potential problems that could occur and how to best help avoid them. Visit Omni Medical online for your health and mobility needs!

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