Simple Spinal Cord Stretches You Can Do

Posted on: October 28th, 2014 by Omni Medical Blogger

A stretching routine can ease stress of your mind and body


Stretching can do wonders for your overall wellness. It can improve your body’s circulation and increase blood flow throughout your entire body. It can also help to increase your range of motion, making daily tasks easier to do. Proper stretching also releases tension from your muscles which can relieve both physical and emotional stress. That is a lot of benefit for something that is so quick and simple!

Always keep your safety in mind when you are planning a stretching routine. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor to ensure that you are doing stretches appropriate for your needs and executing them in a safe way. A general rule of thumb is to never overdo it. Start gradually and never force a stretch to the point where it hurts. You should be able to feel the stretch but not to the point of pain. Getting into a stretching routine can have many health benefits.

Try to make a certain time each morning or evening that is a designated stretching time. This helps to hold you accountable to making it part of your daily routine. Recruit a friend or loved one to help with stretches each day to help motivate you and keep it fun!

Try these three spinal cord stretches to get you started:

  • Place your left hand under your left knee and pull your left knee up towards your chest for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise on your right side.
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and lean forward. Loop a strap around the bottom of your foot and pull it gently until your knees are straight. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat it 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and raise your arms straight above your head to stretch out the shoulders. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat. You can also stretch your arms above your head while sitting upright.

Omni Medical offers different rehabilitation equipment that can help keep you active each day. We also carry different wheelchairs and accessories that are designed to keep you comfortable despite any conditions you may have.  If you have suffered from a spinal cord injury, we would love to help you find solutions to go about your daily life.

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